90’s Interactive Crossword

An interactive crossword designed to surprise you as you head to solve it. All the questions to this puzzle are derived from the 90's era and have a flavor of the signature naughtyness and playfulness of that decade. As you recollect the answer from the clue and stack the alphabets correctly to complete the word on the installation, an audio starts to play related to the answer and validates your correct answer. A puzzle that engages you with the 90’s nostalgia as you solve it.


This installation was exhibited at National Institute of Design as a part of an annual event called Monsoon Fiesta. It was based on the theme of the event Naughty 90's

The players were expected to solve the crossword using hints available on the clue board. When the cubes were placed correctly to form the right word, it played the related 90's audio track. 

  • Crossword board size: 4ft x 4ft 

  • Tools: Arduino, Processing

  • Grid division: 10 x 10

This installation won the first prize at Monsoon Fiesta.


Book & Cook - Service Design


Brand Communication Design - Studio ABD